Wednesday, 20 January 2016


I thought I could start my frozen cycle. But, no! AF came this morning and I called KKIVF. I was told that I have to wait for the next cycle, as I have missed the cut off date for ET because of CNY holidays! Now, I have to wait another month. So upset!

Saturday, 16 January 2016

Pre Frozen #1 Consultation

Today is my review day with my IVF doctor, for post-fresh cycle #1 cum pre-frozen cycle #1. As usual, I spent a great deal of time waiting outside the consultation room, but only a short few minutes meeting Dr Sadhana. Knowing that I do not ovulate regularly, doctor decided to put me on medicated frozen cycle.

So, the plan is as such:
  • Call KKIVF on CD1
  • Go to KKH to collect medication on or before CD4
  • Start taking mediation from CD4 onwards

Difference between natural vs medicated frozen cycle:
(This is what I've gathered from the forum.)
- No mediation- Start progynova from CD4 onwards
- First scan on CD11 (or CD9 / CD10)- First scan on CD11 (or CD9 / CD10)
- Follow-up scan (and BT*) until
  (1) lining is at least 8 mm and
  (2) ovulation occurs
- Follow-up scans until
  (1) lining is at least 8 mm
  (2) (no ovulation)
- Schedule for ET- Schedule for ET
* Ovulation determined via BT in some hospitals.

Friday, 15 January 2016

Do's and Don'ts during TWW

One sister in Singapore Motherhood forum posted this today. It's probably going to come in handy, so I shall "bookmark" the information here.

  • Eat healthy balanced diet. No extreme shifts in diet even when including foods suggested to benefit TTC.
  • Drink at least 2L of water to keep well hydrated.
  • Have ample good rest.
  • Do light exercise like walking to enhance blood flow.
  • Continue pre-natal supplements (min. 4mg folic acid or otherwise as per doctor's advice) and post transfer support meds.
  • First week post transfer ie. hatching and implantation window, take things easier. Talk to and encourage your embie to attach, implant & stick! (If have, can listen to hypno/meditation cd for post transfer)
  • Can take foods that support implantation as suggested by IVFers sisters on the forum - brazil nuts, walnuts, avocado, double-boil chicken essence (
  • Ensure adequate protein to support growth, regeneration and esp. in fresh cycle, to prevent OHSS - e.g. Egg whites, fish, chicken
  • Take fruits & leafy vegetables that are not too cold/cool - e.g. can take golden kiwi, broccoli, cai xin, etc.
  • If not heaty, can take warming foods/ drinks, otherwise cut down (e.g. take less or do not take daily) or stop - e.g. longan red date tea, durian (signs of heatiness include heavy headed feeling, swelling tongue that is more red than usual, sweating too easily, very warm palms and soles to extent of discomfort, constant thirst; don't let heatiness escalate to constipation)
  • Avoid cold and raw foods - e.g. NO papaya, banana, watermelon (any melons), sashimi, salads, ice-cream
  • Avoid pineapple which may cause uterine contractions
  • Avoid dairy foods esp. if you hv phlegm-damp constitution (see*
  • No unpasteurised milk which causes risk of listeria infection
  • Avoid eating mould-ripened soft cheese, e.g. brie and camembert, and blue-veined varieties, such as stilton or Danish blue, etc as these are usually made with unpasteurised milk.
  • Limit soy foods (GMO corn crops very prevalent in soy foods; also very high in phytoestrogen so higher risk of excess)*
  • Avoid seafoods high in mercury, e.g. mackeral, shark
  • Avoid spicy stuff esp. even more so for those with poor digestion
  • Avoid caffeine - no coffee, tea, chocolate (caffeine is not good for blood flow and may restrict absorption of nutrients)
  • Avoid alcohol - may affect kidney function and hence metabolization of meds, affects fetal growth & health.
  • NO soaking in hot baths, no sauna, no massage, no spa.
  • Avoid smokey/hazardous areas.
  • If red spotting or bleeding during 2ww, no need to panic, just call clinic & follow advice.
  • In case of constipation, can take some prune juices along with daily intake of vegetables, fruits and lots of water. If no improvement, check with clinic/ doc for advice and before taking any OTC laxatives.
  • Keep feet warm - can wear house slipper / socks
  • Laugh a lot!
  • If in doubt, take the path of least regret.
  • Breathe, be positive and hang in there.
* It is ok to have a bit of milk or tofu sometimes. We don't usually eat these excessively so it will be fine. The key is overall healthy balance diet, adequate hydration and rest so that our bodies function optimally.

Saturday, 9 January 2016

SMH Forum WhatsApp Group

One lady in the Singapore Motherhood forum suggested starting a WhatsApp group chat for IVF-ers cycling this month. When I saw her post in the forum, I wanted to join but was rather hesitant. What if I meet someone I know in the chat group? It's the same fear that I'll bump into someone I know whenever I visit KKH. I sat on it and pondered. In the end, I still decided to join. When I was added to the group, the first thing I did was to check through the list of participant. It was a great relieve that they are all strangers.