Thursday, 18 August 2016

IVF Frozen #3 Day 16

Here we go again.

One of my embryos got upgraded from grade 3 to grade 4 because it is growing well after the thaw. So, now they are both grade 4. Babies hang on tight to mummy!

My 3rd frozen cycle timeline:
CD44 mg progynova daily for 5 days
CD96 mg progynova daily for 7 days
CD13Visit KKIVF for scan. Uterine lining 8.6 mm
CD14Crinone gel inserts twice daily until BT
CD16 / 0dp2dtET. 2 embryos transferred. TWW begins!
4 mg progynova daily until BT. 
CD34 / 18dp2dtBT

Wish me luck!

Wednesday, 3 August 2016

News - First Time Mum at 63

Not as crazy as the Indian woman who gave birth at 70 years old. But still shocking enough to be features in newspaper.

(Click picture to go to website.)