Tuesday, 28 February 2017

IVF Fresh #2 Day 10

Back at KKIVF for my first scan (not counting baseline scan).

Lining: 8.7
Right ovary: 13.5, 13, 13, 11.5, 10.5, 10.5, 10.5, 9, 8.5, 8, 7.5, 7, 7
Left ovary: 10.5, 9.5, 9, 8.5, 8, 7, 7

The sizes are pretty much the same as Fresh #1, except less follicles on the left side this time.

Side track... I was scanned in Room 5 today. Yippee! But, my favourite sonographer is not there! Sigh! Perhaps, she's no longer working in KKIVF anymore.

Tuesday, 21 February 2017

IVF Fresh #2 Day 03

Here we go again... CD03, baseline scan, stim day 1. As recommended by Dr Sadhana during our review in September last year, my dosage of puregon is reduced to 250iu. (I was on 300iu in my 1st cycle.) She doesn't want me to product too many eggs, so that I can proceed with fresh ET without the risk of OHSS.

Since AF reported on Sunday, I could only call KKIVF yesterday and I was told to arrive at 10am today. It seems like they've changed their protocol. In December 2015, I was instructed to turn up between 8am and 10am. Today, being my 5th cycle (after 1 fresh and 3 thaw cycles), I was going back to a really familiar place. Like the past, I wrote my IC number on the queue number ticket and dropped it into the box outside Room 5. My queue number was 1051 and 1031 was just called into Room 5. But it wasn't long before a nurse came by, picked up my queue ticket and called me (and another couple) to the quiet side of KKIVF. Oh damn! It means that I wouldn't be scanned by my favourite sonographer! I was contemplating if I should request to be scanned by my preferred sonographer. In the end, I decided to tolerate this one time and not inconvenient anyone just for today. Ever since this new sonographer joined KKIVF, I wish very hard that I will be called into Room 5 where my usual favourite sonographer is. Usually, a nurse will call some ladies to the quieter side of KKIVF to be scanned in another room by this less experienced sonographer. So far, I had been lucky, until today, sigh.

There were already a few couples waiting in that area, but they were not waiting to be scanned. I wondered why. I was the last one to be scanned by the new sonographer today. Then, I was instructed to remain in this waiting area, with the rest of the other patients. After almost 1 hour, the nurse finally called us into the room. So, now they don't call us to the reception to hand us our prescriptions anymore. They used to do that on the day of the baseline scan, since we don't see any doctor on this day. Anyway, Nurse Sara explained that we had to wait quite awhile because they have to get my doctor to endorse the prescription first. Thankfully, they could get hold of Dr Sadhana faster than the doctor(s) of the other patients waiting together with me, so I sort of jumped the queue. Cannot imagine how long more I had to wait since I was the last to be scanned.

Like the usual, after the briefing by the nurse and signing all the forms, we made our way to the pharmacy. Then, came back, press queue number 3 and waited again. I wanted to skip this last part, so during the briefing by Nurse Sara, I mentioned that I am okay to do the injection myself. Just to make sure that I still remember everything, she did a revision with me. But DH insisted that my first self-injection should be supervised by a nurse. Therefore, today's visit to KKIVF ended at 1pm!