Tuesday, 14 November 2017

Karotyping Result

Received my pregnancy tissue karotyping result yesterday: 46 (normal), XX (girl).

Monday, 6 November 2017

Miscarriage #2

I wish I'm sharing about my pregnancy progress, but instead, I'm posting about my miscarriage that happened almost 2 weeks ago. This is a quick summary of what happened.

20 Oct (Fri)
Went to see Dr Lisa Chin because I was having very minor spotting since Monday. Had a scan, doctor commented that the sac is a little low. Told to continue with duphaston thrice a day. Up folic acid dose to thrice a day after I told doctor I have MTHFR gene mutation. Given 1 week of HL to rest at home.

21 Oct (Sat)
Woke up at about 5.30 am because I feel a blood clot coming out. Rushed to KKH 24-hour O&G, had a scan, requested for progesterone in oil jab.

23 Oct (Mon)
Bleeding got worse in the morning. Joined the peak hour traffic, got back to KKH 24-hour O&G and had another scan. Sent for a detailed scan in the Diagnostic Imaging department. Doctor in 24-hour O&G reviewed the detailed scan and comment the sac is in a low position. Requested for crinone (because I cannot get another progesterone jab). Went toilet before leaving KKH and a big ball of blood clot came out. Went back to 24-hour O&G, had yet another scan, this time doctor said the sac had gone down even further and miscarriage is inevitable. Opted to stay in hospital to collect pregnancy tissue sample for karotyping.

24 Oct (Tue)
No tissue passed out yet. Went for another detailed scan.

25 Oct (Wed)
Given tablets to speed things up. After 2 hours, the bleeding started to get heavier. Few hours later, after passing out many blood clots, I finally passed out a tiny piece of tissue. (Someone wrote about her experience at NUH which is quite similar to mine.)

Now, it's just waiting for the karotyping result to be out.

Despite being on many medication to manage the sticky blood issue, I still couldn't maintain the pregnancy beyond week 6. I don't know if the doctors can help me anymore.