Tuesday, 3 November 2015

IVF Briefing and Counselling

We went for our IVF briefing and counselling session today at KKIVF. It was such a long wait since our consultation with Dr Sadhana in September. We arrived early and had to wait quite awhile for the other couples to arrive. While waiting in the room, we were given a folder containing information and forms related to the IVF treatment. Once it's full attendance, the nurse begin to go through the PowerPoint slides to share with us about the IVF process. She mentioned that we are all going to be put through the short protocol. There are plenty of people writing blogs and sharing information in the forum about their TTC experiences (including IVF). Since I've been reading up online, I (kind of) knew what to expect already. I thought that the session was more of a briefing rather than counselling. I felt that there wasn't really any counselling involved at all. Before departing, we filled up and signed all the necessary forms. Next, it's waiting time again, till AF to show up in December.

Total cost for KKH IVF briefing and counselling session (including GST): $337.05

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