Tuesday, 14 November 2017

Karotyping Result

Received my pregnancy tissue karotyping result yesterday: 46 (normal), XX (girl).

Monday, 6 November 2017

Miscarriage #2

I wish I'm sharing about my pregnancy progress, but instead, I'm posting about my miscarriage that happened almost 2 weeks ago. This is a quick summary of what happened.

20 Oct (Fri)
Went to see Dr Lisa Chin because I was having very minor spotting since Monday. Had a scan, doctor commented that the sac is a little low. Told to continue with duphaston thrice a day. Up folic acid dose to thrice a day after I told doctor I have MTHFR gene mutation. Given 1 week of HL to rest at home.

21 Oct (Sat)
Woke up at about 5.30 am because I feel a blood clot coming out. Rushed to KKH 24-hour O&G, had a scan, requested for progesterone in oil jab.

23 Oct (Mon)
Bleeding got worse in the morning. Joined the peak hour traffic, got back to KKH 24-hour O&G and had another scan. Sent for a detailed scan in the Diagnostic Imaging department. Doctor in 24-hour O&G reviewed the detailed scan and comment the sac is in a low position. Requested for crinone (because I cannot get another progesterone jab). Went toilet before leaving KKH and a big ball of blood clot came out. Went back to 24-hour O&G, had yet another scan, this time doctor said the sac had gone down even further and miscarriage is inevitable. Opted to stay in hospital to collect pregnancy tissue sample for karotyping.

24 Oct (Tue)
No tissue passed out yet. Went for another detailed scan.

25 Oct (Wed)
Given tablets to speed things up. After 2 hours, the bleeding started to get heavier. Few hours later, after passing out many blood clots, I finally passed out a tiny piece of tissue. (Someone wrote about her experience at NUH which is quite similar to mine.)

Now, it's just waiting for the karotyping result to be out.

Despite being on many medication to manage the sticky blood issue, I still couldn't maintain the pregnancy beyond week 6. I don't know if the doctors can help me anymore.

Saturday, 14 October 2017

IVF Frozen #5 Day 38

Reporting here with good news!
Beta-hCG at 432.6 IU/L!
Baby dust to everyone!

Friday, 29 September 2017

IVF Frozen #5 Day 24

It was long while since my last consultation with Dr Sadhana. Between then and today, DH and I met Dr Sheila Vasoo who figured out that I have sticky blood due to MTHFR genes mutation. She drew up a plan for me to start aspirin, vitamin D and folic acid right away. Few days before ET, I am to add prednisolone and clexane on top of the usual FET medication (progynova).

This is what I have to deal with every morning until hCG BT.

As for the nights, I have to take another 1000IU vitamin D from day one and start injecting myself with clexane from CD19 (5 days before ET). The very first self-injection already gave me small bruise on my tummy. Oh yes, the jab is painful! Not unbearably painful; kind of like the same level of pain as the orgalutran jabs.

My 4-week supply of clexane that costed $490.

Today, DH and I reached KKIVF at 8.30 am as instructed. Unfortunately, my blastie didn't survive the thaw and the embryologist had to spend another 3 hours thawing another blastie.

Here's my little blastie. My darling, please grow well. Mummy hopes to see a bigger you and see your flickering heartbeat in 4 weeks' time!

My 5th frozen cycle timeline:
CD44 mg progynova daily for 5 days
CD96 mg progynova daily for 5 days
CD13Visit KKIVF for scan. Uterine lining 6.9 mm
CD148 mg progynova daily for 3 days
CD17Visit KKIVF for scan. Uterine lining 9.0 mm
Continue with 8 mg progynova daily for 4 days
CD19Crinone gel inserts twice daily until BT
0.2 ml Clexane injections once daily until BT
CD216 mg progynova daily until BT
10 mg prednisolone daily until BT
CD24 / 0dp5dtET. 1 blastocyst transferred. TWW begins!
CD38 / 14dp5dtBT

Tuesday, 12 September 2017

Which Hospital?

Just to share (and a bookmark for myself): detailed comparison between KKH and NUH by a forum member for those who cannot decide which hospital to go to. After I've used up all my frozen embryos from my Fresh #1, I've also considered switching to another hospital. But I didn't because I'm already used to the KKH "SOP". Everyone's situation is different; just have to figure out what suit you best.

If you're selecting only betw these 2, I'll strongly recommend NUH. Not that NUH is optimal, but I think there are many areas which KKH can do better in.

1) Safety. KKH prescribes med at start of stim, and your next and possibly only scan is around day 8. If you're someone who over-responds to medicine like me, not good at all because I already had 40+ follicles fr 87.5IU or 112.5IU of med. For first timers, usually they'll prescribe at abt 150IU. NUH's first scan is abt day 4, so adjustment could be made accordingly, depending on how you respond to the med. On the other hand, if you don't respond well, you might end up wasting money. Case in point: I always thought my friend wasted a lot of money for stim, because they waited for 8 days for first scan before realizing that the med didn't work well for her. She ended up having to stim for an additional 7 days. That would have set her back hundreds of dollars as we all know the stim med is not cheap.

2) Support given after BFP. This one both hospitals seem to be on extreme ends. NUH gives progesterone in excess, from the recent posts you can read for yourself that KKH is not as liberal with that. I have another friend who had a miscarriage her first transfer. Her second transfer BFP again, she went to see a private gynae on top of KKH, and private gynae did a blood test and found out her progesterone levels were too low to support pregnancy. So she was getting support from private gynae instead of KKH. And she's still suspecting till today she lost her first one due to the same reason - lack of progesterone.

3) Ownership of scans and prescription - in NUH, scan is done by doc, on the spot will give you a preliminary prescription and actions to be taken (still need to wait for BT results to make sure your estradiol levels are good). The doc will look out for things during the scan to make the decision. In KKH, scans are not done by the doc. Sonographer scans, records down the number and measurements, then pass the document to "a team of docs" who makes the decision.

4) Mentioned by someone else, waiting time is a factor. Related to point 3. In NUH, doc scans, decides and talk to you, then you can go meet the nurse to collect med. In KKH, there's at least one more station at the start which you have to wait (sonographer, then doc).

5) Update of your embryos. To me it's an added service that NUH lab called me every morning to update me on the fertilization and growth of all my embryos. Even on New Year's Day (1 Jan). My friend with KKH, had no idea if her embryos made it, went for her transfer, waited for close to 4 hours in the hospital in the hospital gown, before her doc told her none of her embryos made it.

Thursday, 31 August 2017

Angel Gowns Singapore

(Click on image to go to Facebook page.)

Update 8 Feb 2018:
They are now known as Angel Hearts.

Monday, 28 August 2017

Instead of IVF

If only it is this easy...

Ask any IVFers, how many of us have already changed our lifestyle, followed a fertility diet, tracked our ovulation, drank that horrible bitter TCM herbs and got poked by countless acupuncture needles. If any of these worked for us, we wouldn't be going through IVF. It's not a matter of choice.

Monday, 14 August 2017

Problem Found

Back track a little, this is what happened between my last post and now: As recommended by Dr Roland, DH did the sperm DNA fragmentation test and the result came back as high fertility potential (i.e. low DNA fragmentation). Now that this issue is ruled out, I need to get myself checked. I pondered for a long time and decided not to go for SIS nor laparoscopy. Instead, I went to see Dr Sheila Vasoo at her ARC Clinic in Mount Elizabeth Novena. As expected, she ordered a series of blood tests for auto-immunity investigate. Total cost including consultation: $1455. Dr Sheila's staff gave me a slip of paper to bring to ParkwayHealth Laboratory (at ground floor of the same building). The phlebotomist drew 6 tubes of blood on the day of my first appointment and another 6 tubes on CD5.

We returned to see Dr Sheila Vasoo on Saturday to collect my blood test results. Turns out, I have sticky blood. Although this is not a good news, I feel relieved that we at least have a clear solution to our infertility now. The plan is for me to start taking aspirin, folic acid and Vitamin D right away. Then, I'll go back to Dr Sadhana for the frozen transfer in my next cycle. I'll have to start taking clexane jabs nearing ET too.

Friday, 9 June 2017

Pre-Frozen #5 Appointment with Dr Sadhana

Met my doctor yesterday and it was probably the most fruitful 10 minutes in her room since I started IVF. DH said the consultation fee was totally worth it because I asked so many questions. At first, I just wanted to go through the motion of seeing her so as to move on to the next cycle, but I ended up pouring out all my questions.

Dr Sadhana views that there is very low possibility that I have implantation issue because Frozen #1 was successful. Thus, it is more likely the embryo(s) that were not able to continue growing. According to her, there is no way to determine if the problem is with the egg or the sperm. The PGS trial is currently on hold because of the withdrawal of the test kits, so I don't have this option to test the embryos too. As opposed to Dr Roland's suggest for me to go through laparoscopy, she advised that the procedure diagnoses endometriosis and even if I indeed have endometriosis, the solution is still to go for IVF without the need to correct the problem. Thus, laparoscopy is not going to be useful for me. She would only give me the option to go for saline infusion sonohysterography (SIS) to check for polyps.

Interesting, the forum was actively discussing about Dr Roland Chieng only recently. (In the past, it's always Dr HH Tan and Dr SF Loh who are often mentioned.) Dr Roland's staff called yesterday too to inform that DH's sperm DNA fragmentation test result is out. Next appointment with him at the end of the month. At the same time, as advised by several ladies in the forum, I've also booked an appointment in early July with Dr Sheila Vasoo to check for auto-immunity problem.

Wednesday, 31 May 2017

First Consultation with Dr Roland Chieng

After KKIVF called to inform me of the negative beta-HCG result, I called Dr Roland Chieng's clinic at Mount Elizabeth Novena. I could have gotten an earlier appointment last week if not due to my work schedule. In other words, the wait between the call to book an appointment and the actual appointment could have been only one week. There has been many good reviews of Dr Roland mentioning that he is patience and has good success rate. Anyway, I've already used up all the government grants for frozen cycles, hence cost wise, there's not going to be any difference between continuing at KKIVF and going to a private practice.

My original appointment slot was at 2.45 pm yesterday but a staff called a day before to change it to 3.30 pm because doctor need to perform a surgery. The traffic along the 2-lane roads leading to Mt E Novena was terrible (as usual) and we arrived 10 minutes late because we made a wrong turn. There wasn't anyone else in the waiting area and I jokingly told my friends that the clinic staff outnumbered the patients. We waited about 15 minutes before we were called into his room (after he's done with another patient).

Doctor took down our IVF history and did an ultrasound scan. His first comment was why not just continue with KKIVF with the remaining 4 blastocysts? But of course, he understood our frustration of repeated failures. His conclusion: (1) check for sperm DNA damage and (2) check my abdominal for abnormality. When we were in his room, I didn't hear him use the word laparoscopy, but his staff told us to check if my insurance covers laparoscopy procedure. At this point, I was confused because I thought he was referring to hysteroscopy! (Read about laparoscopy and hysteroscopy in this NUH article.) Today's consultation took less than half an hour and it cost us $150 (1st consultation) + $100 (scan) + GST = $267.50.

DH has been scheduled for the sperm analysis on Saturday and it's going to cost $320+GST. As for me, I guess I can still ask him about the laparoscopy procedure in the next consultation after the sperm analysis result is out. I didn't expect myself to be so disturb by the idea of having to go for laparoscopy, so much so that I couldn't sleep well last night. The procedure seems very scary because it is done under general anesthesia and the camera will be inserted through the belly button!

Monday, 22 May 2017

The FMR1 Gene

"...different sub-types (called genotypes) of the so-called FMR1 gene (also called fragile X mental retardation gene) are statistically associated with distinctly different chances to conceive with IVF."

"The genotype associated with the lowest pregnancy chance was also statistically associated with a specific form of a common ovarian condition called polycystic ovaries, and with evidence of abnormal function of the immune system, reflected in autoimmunity (immunity against oneself)."

Source: https://www.centerforhumanreprod.com/fertility/first-genetic-test-predictive-of-pregnancy-chances-with-ivf/

Dr Sadhana says that there's evidence I have PCOS. Do I need a check on my autoimmunity?

Friday, 19 May 2017

Food to avoid?

I was chewing on my soon kueh during breakfast just now and I remember someone advised against eating turnip while on TCM. (Haha... random thought.) I've been taking TCM everyday since September last year until the day for trigger shot, but I've also been eating soon kueh pretty often for breakfast at my office cafeteria! I googled "turnip is cooling?" and this is one of the articles that appeared: Five foods to avoid taking with traditional Chinese medicine. Great... maybe this is one of the reasons why this cycle didn't work? Then again, Dr Sadhana believed that it was the TCM that boosted the number of eggs for my 2nd fresh cycle. She was expecting to retrieve less eggs as compared to the 1st, since I was on a lower dosage of Puregon. Also, Dr Lim didn't stress about avoiding turnip too. So, perhaps, there's nothing to worry about and I am thinking too much again?

Thursday, 18 May 2017

IVF Frozen #4 Day 34 (14dp5dt)

It's official. BFN. Beta HCG reading is only at 1.5.

Wednesday, 17 May 2017

IVF Frozen #4 Day 33 (13dp5dt)

Test HPT this morning and it turns out negative. My intuition is right. Just have to wait till tomorrow for the official result before I stop all the medication. By now, I feel numb towards BFN already. After getting the confirmation tomorrow, I shall call to book and appointment with Dr Roland Chieng. Hopefully, he will be able to find out what is wrong with me (or us) and help us success in the next FET.

Friday, 12 May 2017

IVF Frozen #4 Day 28 (8dp5dt)

Woke up at 4+ am last night because I was so hungry. Tried ignoring my stomach but couldn't get back to sleep, so I ate biscuits and played Tsum Tsum. Turn back the clock 9 hours to 7+ pm, I ate a fish burger for dinner. This was usually enough for me, but not last night, I needed another cup of corn niblets. One of my IVF friends said it's a good sign that I'm hungry. At this point, I'm cautious about being optimistic because I was also hungry during my BFN cycles. So far, no night sweats yet (which happened in my BFP cycle), so I'm still worried. No craving for steamed red bean paste bun too (it was the only thing I wanted to eat the day after my BFP BT).

BT is 14 days after ET, but I realized that I was prescribed 19 days of Progynova and Crinone. I wonder why.

Thursday, 11 May 2017

IVF Frozen #4 Day 27 (7dp5dt)

It's been one week since ET. Everyday, I'll visit this website to track the (possible) progress of my little beanie. Technically, I can POAS on Sat, but I don't know if I'll have the guts to do it. If there's 1 line, it could mean I tested too early. If there's 2 lines, it could mean chemical pregnancy. I'm halfway through the TWW and it is driving me crazy.

Thursday, 4 May 2017

IVF Frozen #4 Day 20

Reporting here with my pretty ball of fully expanded blastocyst! Transferred only one out of the five frozen blasties. As much as I want to have twins, I'm more scared of miscarriage. Apparently, singleton has a lower rate of miscarriage than twins. This is already my 4th ET and 6th IVF (fresh and frozen combine) cycle. I'm getting so exhausted already. Will this ever end?

My 4th frozen cycle timeline:
CD44 mg progynova daily for 5 days
CD96 mg progynova daily for 2 days
CD11Visit KKIVF for scan. Uterine lining 7.3 mm
6 mg progynova daily for 3 days
CD14Visit KKIVF for scan. Uterine lining 8.2 mm
6 mg progynova daily for 3 days
CD15Crinone gel inserts twice daily until BT
CD174 mg progynova daily until BT
CD20 / 0dp5dtET. 1 blastocyst transferred. TWW begins!
CD34 / 14dp5dtBT

Friday, 28 April 2017

IVF Frozen #4 Day 14

Lining: 8.2 mm. Woohoo! I'm all ready! ET scheduled on 04 May.

Tuesday, 25 April 2017

IVF Frozen #4 Day 11

Lining: 7.3 mm. I was totally not expecting this, that my lining didn't meet the minimum 8 mm. I have to continue with 6 mg of progynova until my next scan appointment on Friday.

Oh, anyway, I was scanned by my favourite sonographer today and I finally took a peek at her name tag. Her name is Karen. I didn't see her at all during my Fresh #2 cycle and thought that she could have left KKIVF. Thankfully, she's still there. Somehow, I trust her measurements more than the other sonographers. Please let me meet her again in Room 5 on Friday.

Thursday, 9 March 2017

IVF Fresh #2 Day 19

I was discharged from the hospital this morning, after spending 3 nights there. The diagnosis: moderate OHSS.

Day 1

Once I'm in the ward, a senior staff nurse came to ask me a standard set of questions. Even before she leaves my room, a junior doctor came in and started asking me similar questions. Seriously, I think the nurse had more EQ than the doctor, who looked at me strangely with her eyes wide open; her whole facial expression was just so wrong. I was so glad when she finally left the room. The nurse took my weight and measured my girth. Then, she started the IV drip (saline solution) on my right hand; couldn't have it done on my left hand because I already had an IV on the left on Saturday for ER. The drip's flow rate is regulated by a machine, so if I need to use the toilet, I had to call the nurse to unplug the machine.

The nurse instructed me to record all my intake (what and how much I ate and drank) and output (my pee volume). How do I measure how much my pee was? The nurse came back in with a basin thing to put over the toilet bowl, so basically, I pee into this basin thing, then the nurse will pour my pee into a measuring jug. Sigh, unpleasant.

When I was given the lunch menu, I stared at it for quite long and didn't know what to order because I had no appetite, even though I haven't eaten anything since last night. In the end, I ordered chicken porridge. The taste wasn't too bad. It came with apple juice and slices of orange. My parents came to visit with lunch too, but I couldn't even finish the hospital porridge. Such a pity that my home-cooked food went to feed the dustbin.

Once the doctor's prescription was ready, the nurses gave me the pills: 2 kinds of painkillers, 2 tabs each + 2 tabs to relieve gastric pain and + some liquid to soften the stools (since I was having constipation). After taking the medicine, I was feeling quite okay, except for the bloated tummy. Since I still had the needle in my right hand and I am a right-hander, I couldn't really do much things. (No mood to do even play games on my handphone too.) And I had to figure out how to take photos using my left hand.

Shortly after lunch, I was given the menu again to choose my dinner and all the 3 meals for tomorrow. The picture below is my Day 1 dinner - mushroom soup, chicken chop with mashed potato, mango pudding and red date tea. I drank half the soup, ate half a scoop of mashed potato, finished the mango pudding and the rather diluted red date tea; didn't touch the chicken chop and the vegetables at all.

DH kept me company till the evening. He went home for a shower and came back with his working clothes in his bag for the next day. At fixed times, even in the middle of the night, the nurses would come in with the equipment to record my blood pressure and oxygen level. So, DH and I couldn't get quality sleep.

Day 2

Early morning, another junior doctor (different one from Day 1) came into my room and check on how I'm doing. DH woke up too. After she's done with me, DH got prepared to go to work. After he went off, the junior doctor came in with the senior doctor. Don't know why they cannot come in together. I was surprised when the senior doctor said that she met me before at the 24-hour O&G. Actually, she didn't recognize me, she recognized her own handwriting on the notes inside my file. Argh... she had to remind me of the unpleasant miscarriage experience.

So many people came in and out of my room and I couldn't sleep, so I waited for breakfast to be served. I was happy to have bagel with cream cheese. I stared at the Meiji yogurt and wish so much that I could enjoy it, but I think my bloated stomach is not going to be too happy if I stuff it in, so I kept it in the fridge. (Yes, there is a fridge in my room!) I drank the milo and drifted into sleep.

Somehow, when I woke up, I felt really uncomfortable and the pain from the bloating came back. Perhaps I should not have refused to take the Panadol when the nurse came with the tablets on Day 1 night and Day 2 morning. I pressed the call button and requested for painkiller. It didn't seem to help very much, plus I feel more nauseous. A nurse gave me plastic bag in case I vomit. And I did, but only clear fluid came out. I was hoping that DH would come back quickly (he took the afternoon off from work). When he finally reached at around 1pm, I was still very miserable. Obviously, my lunch was still sitting on the table totally untouched. By the time the junior doctor finally came to check on me, the medicine had taken effect and I was feeling less miserable already. She wanted to send me for a scan, but Dr Sadhana decided otherwise, perhaps because the water retention is pretty common and the scan wouldn't be useful anyway.

My parents came to visit again. This time they brought papaya. I ate a few pieces and everything seems to be okay. No, I was wrong... my stomach didn't want the papaya and threw up again. I gave up eating; didn't even bother to unwrap my meals to take photos. I just tried to drink as much water or juice or milo as I can.

The physiotherapist came, talked to me about the compression stockings that the doctor ordered, and measured my ankle and thigh. Then, the therapy assistant came to put on the stockings for me, and at the same time, teach me how to put it one as she was doing it. Why do I need the compression stockings? Because I had been lying in bed for the entire day, except when I need to use the toilet. I was encouraged to walk around to improve my blood circulation. At night, I took my first walk around the ward. It was only a short distance and I was feeling exhausted and my muscles was achy.

Day 3

Finally, Dr Sadhana gave the green light to take me off the drip and see how I'm doing without it. I hope very much that I'll be fine, so that I can go home. I was starting to worry about the hospital bills; the admission counter collected $2k+ for 2 days' stay, which is excluding the portion that I'm paying using Medisave, and this was an estimate excluding non-standard medications and other treatments.

Like Day 2, DH went to work in the morning and came back to accompany me in the afternoon. I spent the morning dozing off. Every time someone enters my room, I would wake up for a brief moment, then I would quickly fall asleep again. I couldn't stay awake! I waited for DH to come back to accompany for my walks around the ward.

My parents bought some ginger tea from the foodcourt downstairs. Ginger tea is suppose to help improve my appetite. Seriously, I hate ginger but I got no choice if I want to eat. At this moment, only sour cream potato chips interest me, but DH wasn't glad that I am eating junk food.

On Day 3 night, he decided that he wouldn't stay overnight in the hospital since my condition is improving and he couldn't sleep properly here too.

Day 4

Although my weight hasn't dropped and my girth is still increasing, I was allowed to be discharged to rest at home. While waiting for the paper work to be done, I changed out to my own clothes and discovered that my tummy grew so big that I couldn't button up the shorts that I came in with! I look pregnant and I couldn't walk with my body straight. I have to bend forward slightly and walk very slowly.

This is the view from my bed.

This is how the room look like from the entrance.

View of the room while I'm sitting on the sofa, which is also DH's bed.

And that's the TV in front of my bed.

I took all these photos while waiting for my medications and the summary report. When the nurse confirm that I can go, I hang around in the room until DH came to fetch me. By right, the "check out" time is 11.30am, but I stayed slightly beyond that and no one came in to chase me.

Before heading home, we went to my mum's place for lunch. She cooked bird nest for me and cooked our dinner too. The first thing I did when I reached home was to shower. I haven't washed my hair for days!

Monday, 6 March 2017

IVF Fresh #2 Day 16

Although doctor plan to transfer blastocyst(s) for this cycle, I was still schedule to return to KKIVF today. I still had to fast since midnight and had to drink plain water to get my bladder ready. Don't understand why such a protocol is decide because it doesn't seem very logical for me. Anyway, due to bloating, I wasn't really hungry, so skipping breakfast wasn't really a big deal. But I couldn't really drink much water too, I could only take tiny sips.

Upon reaching KKIVF, we pressed queue number 2 and 3, as instructed. Queue number 2 for the ET procedure and queue number 3 for blood test. The reception called first and we went, before the nurse could finish her briefing, I was called for blood test. Again, I don't really get why they have such an arrangement. Anyway, DH stayed at the reception to finish the briefing, while I went to Room 1 for a nurse to draw my blood. Then, we waited about half hour for the blood test result and for Dr Sadhana to call us. The wait seems really long because I was really feeling very uncomfortable. DH sort of regret not sending me to 24-hours O&G last night.

Finally, a nurse called us into the ET room to meet our doctor. In my mind, I was prepared to have ET postponed because I obviously cannot handle the symptoms. As DH predicted, Dr Sadhana wants me admitted and put on drip. My blood test result was bad and she said that my blood was thick. Before sending me to the ward, she told us we had 6 good embryos (2 days old at this point).

Doctor advised that I'll be warded for 4 to 5 days, but during admission, the counter staff collected the fees based on 2-day stay. Of course, I hope the shorter the better. I hope this hospital bill wouldn't burn a big hole in our pocket. DH decided that he wants to stay with me overnight, so he opted for the 1-bedder. The next option is the 4-bedder and he wouldn't be allowed to sleep overnight. The cost difference is quite significant, but I couldn't think properly, so I just left DH to make the decision.

Saturday, 4 March 2017

IVF Fresh #2 Day 14

ER Day! Everything happened just like Fresh #1. I'm the first to go for the procedure today. Somehow, the IV cannulation was really painful this time round, so painful that tears rolled out of my eyes and I cannot control it. Very quickly, I was in the procedure room and very quickly, I was in the recovery area. Last time, the nurse woke me up and asked me to shift myself to the bed. This time, I don't remember having to do it, but she still woke me up to make sure I'm okay. After which, I didn't really fall asleep anymore. Suddenly, it came across my mind that I didn't take the locker key with me! I'm so forgetful! So I told the nurse and she went with a colleague to get it for me. The nurses came regular intervals to take down my blood pressure (and probably oxygen level too). Seeing that I'm mostly awake, one of them offered me milo and biscuit. Like before, a doctor came to do her rounds, checked that I'm okay and I am released. Then, a nurse accompanied me to the changing room. I only felt the slight pain when I got off the bed. I could pee but the volume wasn't a lot, not like the last time. I was informed that 30 eggs were retrieved (compared to 24 eggs in Fresh #1). I was suppose to produce lesser eggs because I'm on a lower dosage of medication. Perhaps, TCM had made a difference. Now, I can only keep my fingers crossed that I wouldn't get OHSS and the pain would subside quickly. I was still planning to go for A-Lin's concert tonight, but by 5pm, the pain hasn't go away when I walk. No choice, I have to stay home.

Thursday, 2 March 2017

IVF Fresh #2 Day 12

Yesterday was Stim Day 9. Today, second scan to see how my follicles are growing. I hope very much that this will be the last scan for this cycle. If based on my timeline in Fresh #1, I should be getting the trigger shot tonight.

I decided to write on my queue number that I prefer to be scanned in Room 5. But today is an unlucky day for me, my preferred sonographer is not in her usual room. I feel like taking a u-turn out when I saw who's in Room 5. Of course I didn't because I don't want to wait anymore. Why I don't like the sonographer? Because she's not as gentle as the other one.

Anyway, here's my scan result...
Lining: 8.9
Right ovary: 18, 16, 15.5, 15, 14.5, 14.5, 14.5, 14, 13, 13, 12.5, 12, 11.5
Left ovary: 18, 15.5, 13.5, 13.5, 13, 12.5, 12, 12, 12, 12, 11.5

Hmm... seems like I have just as many follicles as Fresh #1. And I am right, I am getting my trigger shot today and doctor didn't try to postpone my ET. KKIVF changes their protocol, instead of Pregnyl that they used to prescribe, I was given Ovidrel, which I can do self-injection at night. Perhaps, they are trying to free up manpower at 24-hours O&G; Pregnyl need to be administered by the nurse, which means that patients need to make another trip to KKH.

Before leaving KKH, the nurse gave me a shot of the balance 150iu of  Puregon remaining in my pen. (Nurse say use up all my medication, don't waste.)

ER scheduled on Saturday!

Tuesday, 28 February 2017

IVF Fresh #2 Day 10

Back at KKIVF for my first scan (not counting baseline scan).

Lining: 8.7
Right ovary: 13.5, 13, 13, 11.5, 10.5, 10.5, 10.5, 9, 8.5, 8, 7.5, 7, 7
Left ovary: 10.5, 9.5, 9, 8.5, 8, 7, 7

The sizes are pretty much the same as Fresh #1, except less follicles on the left side this time.

Side track... I was scanned in Room 5 today. Yippee! But, my favourite sonographer is not there! Sigh! Perhaps, she's no longer working in KKIVF anymore.

Tuesday, 21 February 2017

IVF Fresh #2 Day 03

Here we go again... CD03, baseline scan, stim day 1. As recommended by Dr Sadhana during our review in September last year, my dosage of puregon is reduced to 250iu. (I was on 300iu in my 1st cycle.) She doesn't want me to product too many eggs, so that I can proceed with fresh ET without the risk of OHSS.

Since AF reported on Sunday, I could only call KKIVF yesterday and I was told to arrive at 10am today. It seems like they've changed their protocol. In December 2015, I was instructed to turn up between 8am and 10am. Today, being my 5th cycle (after 1 fresh and 3 thaw cycles), I was going back to a really familiar place. Like the past, I wrote my IC number on the queue number ticket and dropped it into the box outside Room 5. My queue number was 1051 and 1031 was just called into Room 5. But it wasn't long before a nurse came by, picked up my queue ticket and called me (and another couple) to the quiet side of KKIVF. Oh damn! It means that I wouldn't be scanned by my favourite sonographer! I was contemplating if I should request to be scanned by my preferred sonographer. In the end, I decided to tolerate this one time and not inconvenient anyone just for today. Ever since this new sonographer joined KKIVF, I wish very hard that I will be called into Room 5 where my usual favourite sonographer is. Usually, a nurse will call some ladies to the quieter side of KKIVF to be scanned in another room by this less experienced sonographer. So far, I had been lucky, until today, sigh.

There were already a few couples waiting in that area, but they were not waiting to be scanned. I wondered why. I was the last one to be scanned by the new sonographer today. Then, I was instructed to remain in this waiting area, with the rest of the other patients. After almost 1 hour, the nurse finally called us into the room. So, now they don't call us to the reception to hand us our prescriptions anymore. They used to do that on the day of the baseline scan, since we don't see any doctor on this day. Anyway, Nurse Sara explained that we had to wait quite awhile because they have to get my doctor to endorse the prescription first. Thankfully, they could get hold of Dr Sadhana faster than the doctor(s) of the other patients waiting together with me, so I sort of jumped the queue. Cannot imagine how long more I had to wait since I was the last to be scanned.

Like the usual, after the briefing by the nurse and signing all the forms, we made our way to the pharmacy. Then, came back, press queue number 3 and waited again. I wanted to skip this last part, so during the briefing by Nurse Sara, I mentioned that I am okay to do the injection myself. Just to make sure that I still remember everything, she did a revision with me. But DH insisted that my first self-injection should be supervised by a nurse. Therefore, today's visit to KKIVF ended at 1pm!