Thursday, 2 March 2017

IVF Fresh #2 Day 12

Yesterday was Stim Day 9. Today, second scan to see how my follicles are growing. I hope very much that this will be the last scan for this cycle. If based on my timeline in Fresh #1, I should be getting the trigger shot tonight.

I decided to write on my queue number that I prefer to be scanned in Room 5. But today is an unlucky day for me, my preferred sonographer is not in her usual room. I feel like taking a u-turn out when I saw who's in Room 5. Of course I didn't because I don't want to wait anymore. Why I don't like the sonographer? Because she's not as gentle as the other one.

Anyway, here's my scan result...
Lining: 8.9
Right ovary: 18, 16, 15.5, 15, 14.5, 14.5, 14.5, 14, 13, 13, 12.5, 12, 11.5
Left ovary: 18, 15.5, 13.5, 13.5, 13, 12.5, 12, 12, 12, 12, 11.5

Hmm... seems like I have just as many follicles as Fresh #1. And I am right, I am getting my trigger shot today and doctor didn't try to postpone my ET. KKIVF changes their protocol, instead of Pregnyl that they used to prescribe, I was given Ovidrel, which I can do self-injection at night. Perhaps, they are trying to free up manpower at 24-hours O&G; Pregnyl need to be administered by the nurse, which means that patients need to make another trip to KKH.

Before leaving KKH, the nurse gave me a shot of the balance 150iu of  Puregon remaining in my pen. (Nurse say use up all my medication, don't waste.)

ER scheduled on Saturday!

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