Happy 100 days young my dear baby J!
Before you were born, mummy took 249 clexane jabs and countless pills (4 types of medicine in first trimester) to keep you alive. You would have 2 elder siblings if they haven’t gone to be little angels.
Daddy and mummy wish you will grow up to be a healthy and happy boy. We will always love you!
Have been following ur blog when i was ttc-ing and i have wondering about you for a long time since your last post.
ReplyDeleteWhat a great news to see your little boy when I had the thought to check on your blog today! Happy 100 days to you being a mother and to your little boy! It really is a most rewarding experience and makes all the hardship we went through worth it. Congrats again! Really happy for you!
Hi! Thank you! Oppss... MIA-ed from my blog because I was always tired during my pregnancy. Morning sickness was terrible. But, yes, all is worth it!
DeleteHappy 5 months to you being a mother and to your little boy! (Missed out ur post was published in Apr!)