Friday, 18 March 2016

IVF Frozen #1 Day 31

I secretly used a HPT early in the morning before I head out for work yesterday. Looks like we can expect a BFP confirmation today!

Few days back, I actually tested with the Guardian HPT and there was only 1 line. Either the HPT is lousy or it was too early to test. Whatever the reason, it scared me to the point that I was Googling for 'early pregnancy symptoms' and reading almost every single website from the search result. I couldn't really focus on doing any work in the office. Seriously, early pregnancy symptoms is never ever conclusive nor helpful at all. I couldn't help it but let irrationalness overtake my mind.

This morning, DH and I made the trip to KKIVF and reached slightly after 8 am. I pressed the queue #3 button and waited for my turn. We didn't have to wait long. The nurse asked if I was feeling okay and proceed to draw my blood. She told us to expect the result in 3 hours.

Although tired (because we had to wake up early), we didn't go back home. We went for a good breakfast at Wild Honey located in Scotts Square and went window shopping to kill time while waiting for the result. Finally the phone call came. I nervously picked up the call and received a good news from the nurse! Happily, we went back to KKIVF.

This time, I pressed the #4 button for a queue number. The reception congratulated us and asked for my IC. Then, she gave me the prescription and forms for the next appointment in 2 weeks' time. We went to the pharmacy, collected and paid for the medications, then headed home.

Today's charges (including GST) paid by cash:
Beta-hCG blood test$42.80

I updated my close friends, the ladies in the IVF WhatsApp chat group and in the forum. With my beta-hCG at 2686.4 iu/L, some suggest that I could be carrying twins! Using the online pregnancy due date calculator, my estimated EDD (based on LMP) is 23 November.

Baby dust to everyone!

Thursday, 3 March 2016

TWW Embryo Growth

Today is 2dp2dt. I took only 2 days HL and I'm back at work (because I have a meeting this afternoon). I wonder how's my babies are doing... keeping my fingers crossed that they are growing well. Anyway, I found several websites describing the day by day embryo development in utero. I have no idea how reliable they are, but it's nice to know what's going on inside. I couldn't find any on 2-day transfer, so I've made up my own.

0dp2dtThe 8-cell embryo is transferred
1dp2dtThe cells of the embryo continues to multiply
2dp2dtThe embryo continues to grow into a morula
3dp2dtThe cells of the morula continue to multiply, developing into a blastocyst
4dp2dtThe blastocyst begins to hatch out of its shell
5dp2dtThe blastocyst continues to hatch out of its shell and begins to attach itself to the uterus
6dp2dtThe blastocyst attaches deeper into the uterine lining, beginning implantation
7dp2dtImplantation continues
8dp2dtImplantation is complete, cells that will eventually become the placenta and fetal cells begin to develop
9dp2dtPlacenta cells begin to secret HCG in the blood
10dp2dtMore hCG is produced as fetus develops
11dp2dtMore hCG is produced as fetus develops
12dp2dtLevels of hCG are now high enough to detect a pregnancy on HPT


Wednesday, 2 March 2016

Socks Buddy

One sister in our IVF WhatsApp chat group shared with us about the socks buddy system in the States. I did a quick search on Google and found this website. Why socks? "The reason it’s socks is because during egg retrieval and embryo transfer you can’t wear anything under your sexy gown except a bra/vest and a pair of socks so it’s nice to take a pair that will bring you a bit of luck and positivity."


Tuesday, 1 March 2016

IVF Frozen #1 Day 14

Today is ET day! My appointment was at 8 am. On the way there, I brought along warm water in my thermal flask and sip throughout the journey. We managed to reach KKIVF before 8 am, took our queue number and wait for reception to call. The nurse took my ET form and asked me if my bladder is full. After a brief wait, another nurse led us into the procedure room. After I got changed (just the bottom only) and once Dr Sadhana arrived in the room, the procedure begins. From the TV, we were shown our 2 embryos in a petri dish (I assume they are in a petri dish) before they were transferred into my womb.

Out of my 6 frozen embryos, these 2 were thawed. They survived and grew from 4-cells to 8-cells.

My 1st frozen cycle timeline:

Collect medication at KKH (can be done before CD4 too).
4 mg progynova daily for 5 days
CD96 mg progynova daily for 5 days
CD10Visit KKIVF for scan. Uterine lining 8.1 mm
CD12Crinone gel inserts twice daily until BT
CD14 / 0dp2dt

ET. 2 8-cells embryos transferred. TWW begins!
4 mg progynova daily until BT.
CD31 / 17dp2dtBT