Friday, 18 March 2016

IVF Frozen #1 Day 31

I secretly used a HPT early in the morning before I head out for work yesterday. Looks like we can expect a BFP confirmation today!

Few days back, I actually tested with the Guardian HPT and there was only 1 line. Either the HPT is lousy or it was too early to test. Whatever the reason, it scared me to the point that I was Googling for 'early pregnancy symptoms' and reading almost every single website from the search result. I couldn't really focus on doing any work in the office. Seriously, early pregnancy symptoms is never ever conclusive nor helpful at all. I couldn't help it but let irrationalness overtake my mind.

This morning, DH and I made the trip to KKIVF and reached slightly after 8 am. I pressed the queue #3 button and waited for my turn. We didn't have to wait long. The nurse asked if I was feeling okay and proceed to draw my blood. She told us to expect the result in 3 hours.

Although tired (because we had to wake up early), we didn't go back home. We went for a good breakfast at Wild Honey located in Scotts Square and went window shopping to kill time while waiting for the result. Finally the phone call came. I nervously picked up the call and received a good news from the nurse! Happily, we went back to KKIVF.

This time, I pressed the #4 button for a queue number. The reception congratulated us and asked for my IC. Then, she gave me the prescription and forms for the next appointment in 2 weeks' time. We went to the pharmacy, collected and paid for the medications, then headed home.

Today's charges (including GST) paid by cash:
Beta-hCG blood test$42.80

I updated my close friends, the ladies in the IVF WhatsApp chat group and in the forum. With my beta-hCG at 2686.4 iu/L, some suggest that I could be carrying twins! Using the online pregnancy due date calculator, my estimated EDD (based on LMP) is 23 November.

Baby dust to everyone!

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