Saturday 19 September 2015

First Consultation with Dr Sadhana

Two rounds of IUI didn't work for us. Although Dr Chin had recommended trying IUI 3 times, I am quite convinced that the 3rd wouldn't work too.

And now we are at our last resort - IVF. We wait for about one month between my call to make the appointment and the actual appointment. Dr Sadhana is the IVF doctor of my close friend's sister, who became pregnant after her 2nd embryo transfer (1st frozen cycle). I brought along our reports and tests results from Dr Chin. Dr Sadhana had a quick look at them and passed them to her nurse to make a copy of each to keep in my patient file. We told her the treatments we had done so far and mentioned that Dr Chin recommended for us to visit the government hospital for IVF. After the consultation, both DH and I had to take some blood tests, which are mandatory before starting IVF treatment.

Today's bill:
Blood tests$415
TOTAL (including GST)$613.11

I'm scheduled for IVF in December. Can't wait!