Friday, 29 September 2017

IVF Frozen #5 Day 24

It was long while since my last consultation with Dr Sadhana. Between then and today, DH and I met Dr Sheila Vasoo who figured out that I have sticky blood due to MTHFR genes mutation. She drew up a plan for me to start aspirin, vitamin D and folic acid right away. Few days before ET, I am to add prednisolone and clexane on top of the usual FET medication (progynova).

This is what I have to deal with every morning until hCG BT.

As for the nights, I have to take another 1000IU vitamin D from day one and start injecting myself with clexane from CD19 (5 days before ET). The very first self-injection already gave me small bruise on my tummy. Oh yes, the jab is painful! Not unbearably painful; kind of like the same level of pain as the orgalutran jabs.

My 4-week supply of clexane that costed $490.

Today, DH and I reached KKIVF at 8.30 am as instructed. Unfortunately, my blastie didn't survive the thaw and the embryologist had to spend another 3 hours thawing another blastie.

Here's my little blastie. My darling, please grow well. Mummy hopes to see a bigger you and see your flickering heartbeat in 4 weeks' time!

My 5th frozen cycle timeline:
CD44 mg progynova daily for 5 days
CD96 mg progynova daily for 5 days
CD13Visit KKIVF for scan. Uterine lining 6.9 mm
CD148 mg progynova daily for 3 days
CD17Visit KKIVF for scan. Uterine lining 9.0 mm
Continue with 8 mg progynova daily for 4 days
CD19Crinone gel inserts twice daily until BT
0.2 ml Clexane injections once daily until BT
CD216 mg progynova daily until BT
10 mg prednisolone daily until BT
CD24 / 0dp5dtET. 1 blastocyst transferred. TWW begins!
CD38 / 14dp5dtBT

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